Earlier today I smashed my phone screen. Here’s how it is relevant to getting the COVID vaccine ( with an Australian view point).
Why did this happen?
I broke the original protective cover for my phone months ago, and never got around to replacing it, partly because I’ve never smashed my phone screen before. I can hear what you are saying ‘Well dah, of course your phone screen broke.’ After tempting fate so many times I finally dropped it in the right way for the front screen to smash.
Not taking the COVID vaccine, when you can and should is tempting fate of another outbreak in Australia. Not taking up the protective tools we have in the form of a vaccine is tempting a ‘well dah’ moment.
Why did I hesitate to get the right protection for my phone?
Partly I never made the time to find a new cover (hello, life). Also, I wanted to get a cover that was more environmentally sustainable. Ironically now that I need to fix my phone this will cost more resources to fix it and cost more of my time organising for it to be fixed.
A lot of people are vaccine hesitant, one reason being they are worried about the development of vaccine-induced clots. However, the reality is reports estimate that serious blood clots are 10x more likely to occur from having COVID-19 than from having the Astra Zeneca vaccine. There is also a lot more knowledge now on how to diagnose and treat this disorder too. If you are hesitant to get the vaccine, make sure you discuss your concerns with a pro-vaccination medical professional, like your GP. If you have any questions DM me and I will help explain what I know or point you in the direction of sources I trust.
The cost of hesitating.
Obviously, my smashed phone screen just affects me but the implications of not having a vaccinated population are much greater. There is an ever-present risk of another COVID outbreak so protecting yourself should be important (she says from Vic lockdown number 4). BUT you will also be protecting those in the community who can’t get the vaccine like people with illnesses such as cancer, pregnant women and children. Almost all of us would come in to regular contact with 1 person that falls into one of these categories. Imagine how you would feel knowing you didn’t do this simple thing to protect them.
I’m buying a new phone cover to protect my broken phone.
This is a bit pointless for my phone, but for the vaccine roll out different story. Seeing the uptake of the COVID vaccine here in Melbourne during lockdown 4 has been really encouraging (also helped by the increased eligibility criteria, the one time I wish I was 40-49!) To my friends and family in other states and territories, if you are eligible please go get vaccinated now. Make the time and do it. I’m really jealous of you!
Right. That’s it from me. I have to go deal with my husband who’s annoyed with my said broken phone screen… much like an annoyed Victorian stuck in lockdown 4. Peace and love x Sim